Friday, July 26, 2013

Word on the Street, July 26th edition

Sam was dedicated to getting some catnip mice done to sell on consignment. The goal was 50. She lost count of how many she's done, but a few days ago it was this many: 

After a few more days of mice mice mice, the need suddenly arose for an afghan, as such needs do. A quick Ravelry search pattern produced this pattern (can we take a minute to love on Ravelry? Ravelry, you are the coolest and we love you) which is exactly what she needed: something cozy, pretty, and will knit up fast. The weather even cooperated: it's been cool enough in the evening to knit an afghan in the summer without wanting to rip your skin off from the heat. 

Harper photobomber!

Exactly as the pattern promised, it's going quickly! Although Sam did run out of the first color of yarn she bought, which left only one option: ombre stripes. Oh yeah.

Ombre not pictured, thanks to poor picture taking skills.
Sam can't wait to share pictures when it's done, which will hopefully be by Monday (if her hands don't fall off.

Liz has been so socially active lately with birthdays, showers, and wedding planning that the only crafts she's been doing have been for the wedding - and, for shame, she hasn't been taking pictures.

Luckily, here's some evidence of social engagements - Rachael's bridal shower!  Rachael is getting married 4 weeks after Liz and they are both bridesmaids in each other's weddings. 
Erica is finally settled in her new place--the cats are loving it, and she has started working on a baby blanket for a friend's little one who is scheduled to make an appearance next month.
A sneak peak: Chevrons are so in right now!
The cats are loving the new place as well--lots of room to run around, the litter box in a quieter location, and lots of nature outside to look out the windows (which we like to call "cat TV").
Creeping on Her Royal Highness, the Beezy
Oh... and she also tried something new: ROLLER DERBY! Erica practiced with Mountain Town Mayhem last Thursday and had a blast. She decided that the best way to end her 20's was with a huge bruise on her butt.

What are your plans for the weekend? Baking? Creeping on cats? Wedding festivities? Derby? Crafting? We want to know! Enjoy it, whatever you do!

(Editor's note (from Sam): Soooo..... if you read our blog through a reader, you might have noticed a weirdo post earlier this week. Yeah, I have too many blogs and accidentally put a draft in this blog that should have gone in my personal blog  . I deleted it, but it still came through my feedly, and Liz's, so maybe yours too. Anyway, so sorry for the confusion!)

Monday, July 8, 2013

Word on the Street, July 8th edition

Liz has been busying herself these days with wedding crafts - flowers for now, mostly.  She has a whole bin of felt flowers and has all the pieces cut to make ombre tissue paper flowers.  Check it:

There are close to 150 handmade flowers in there!

Liz would like to report that Lola has been no help in the flower-making process.  She stole a strand of raffia then ran behind the couch to try and eat it, but Liz managed to get it from Lola before that could happen.

Sam got that i-cord edge and handle done!

Hooray! With that project done, Samantha has been cleaning out various knitting bags and organizing her stash. There was a tough moment last night where she realized her stash space is officially full so be looking for some stash busting projects! She might even make herself a bag like this for beach purposes. And for modeling purposes.

SMILE with your EYES

Erica has not been crafting a lot--besides working on the same dish cloth, a row here and there, for the past couple of weeks. She finally finished that, and she and her husband got the house 99% organized and unpacked! And her trusty computer desk (which is currently computer-less) became her craft corner!!! And she would show you a picture of that if her computer would cooperate and let her rotate the picture...

Instead she will post a picture of some long lost friends of Kevin's. 
Gotta love a man in uniform.

She also finally got around to paining the Bob Ross Paint-By-Number kit that Liz got her last year. It turned out awesome, and Erica can't wait to hang it up in her craft corner!
Happy little trees. 

That's what we've been up to this week! What have you been crafting?