Friday, March 8, 2013

Word on the Street, March 8

Happy Friday, one and all!

Sam knitted this blanket for her tiny new nephew and it's been the only knitting project she's had time for in quite a while. She's looking forward to a weekend of making prototypes of things she hopes to sell at craft sales this summer.
Bam! Boy blanket!

Liz has been busy crafting only one thing this week: her sanity.  A 4-day trip away to Denver was exactly what she needed, and she came back ready for spring, full of action, yet unwilling to compromise sleep to get everything done on her to-do list; thus, crafting has fallen by the wayside.  This week, all that Liz has to show for herself is a great picture taken by her friend and former roommate, Gina.

When in doubt, fake meditate on some giant red rocks with a scary icicle hovering above you.
Erica had a three day weekend, and took this opportunity to get to work stocking her freezer. One might say she made all the food. Her freezer is now dangerous to open! But there are many delicious things in said freezer, including the following:

40+ Lasagna Rolls
25+ cups of Turkey Chili
Two dinners worth of White Beans and Ham
20 cups of Spaghetti Sauce

... along with a couple BBQ Chicken slow cooker packets, and quite a few breakfast burritos. She didn't get as much knitting done as she would have liked, but she got a lot of cooking done! If you would like some chili, give Erica a call--she's got your hook up. And if you are interested in any of these recipes, let her know, she's happy to share. 

And that's what we've been up to  this week! What have you been up to?


  1. I'd love to know the recipe for the bbq chicken slow cooker packets!

  2. Anne, it's super simple! I put 3-4 large chicken breasts (frozen or not), one regular sized bottle of bbq sauce, one chopped onion, a tablespoon of minced garlic, and 1/4 cup of brown sugar in a bag and froze it all.

    When you cook it, just throw everything into the slow cooker--you don't even have to thaw it! Cook on low for 6-8 hours. Shred the chicken in the crock pot, give it a good stir so the sauce covers everything, and serve it on hamburger buns.
