Yup. That’s a crate with stuff in it, stacked on top of a small suitcase that’s stacked on a plastic bin. What whaaaat.
And here is Liz’s coffee table, occupied by lots of stuff, but most importantly by some crocheting she’s trying to finish up (blue) and a sweet bag that Erica made for Liz a few years ago (pink and burgundy). If you can spot Liz’s crochet hook (light blue), you win a prize! Of being happy for Liz because, as previously mentioned, it’s the only crochet hook that Liz had.
Liz is getting to the point where she’s sick at the sight of a lot of the crafts she’s made in recent years and just wants them to sell already. Come see all the LSC girls at Applefest and be sure to visit our special $2 discount bin that will be full of many crafty treasures.
Meanwhile, there are lots of crafts that Liz wants to make but hasn’t gotten around to creating yet. She hopes to be better organized next year, creating a “craft plan” of different crafts that she’s interested in making and setting specific goals on how and when to make them. It all sounds good in theory, but stay tuned to see if it actually pans out. She hopes to have a few crafty holiday ornaments to sell by the time Applefest swings around.
Erica knit up a storm last week, finishing the baby sweater/hat combo with great swiftness--and then forgot to take a picture of it. It was insanely cute (you’ll just have to take her word for it).
Speaking of pictures, it’s difficult to take good ones when all you have is a phone, but Erica has a secret weapon: CATS! In preparation for Applefest, she’s been working on some smaller knit crafts this week, including tiny knit hearts. Here’s Beezy checking the hand-crafted high quality items.
In addition to tiny knit hearts, she’s also busted out the Gorrilla glue and stockpiled coupons to take to a certain craft store and buy them out of magnets (again) to finish 200 more B’s World Famous Bottle Cap Magnets (tm).
Sam has been a busy little bee, but not as much with the crafting as she would have liked. She started a new job which she loves but it is taking up a lot of her mental acuity.
She calls this the Forest of Sticky Notes and this is it at the end of a quiet day. It’s full of lists of things she needs to learn/do and when she gets home from a day of completing the sticky notes she usually just lays on the couch with a Lacroix handy and watches a few episodes of Downton Abbey (yes, again) to calm her nerves.
But never fear, she has started the project on her craft room (and is just way too embarrassed to show the “before” pictures until there are some really good “after” ones. And she did manage to get a good start on a pretty fall hat:
which is pictured here, modeled by a trusty can of Lacroix.
And that’s what we’re up to this week! What crafty endeavours are you up to now that fall has arrived?